Friday, 19 July 2013

The Path leads ever ON.....

Well I started a normal run today and found myself with no end in sight. I just could not bring myself to stop the run. What was supposed to be a 5 KM run turned into 14KM today. I was lost in thought didn't know which way I was going but I stayed on the path so I would not get lost.

The path seemed so peaceful even though the highway was off to the distance and I could hear cars driving past, they just became white noise. I seemed distant and lost in my head I was all over the place on the path weaving side to side. I had no focus and I keep seeing these black dots in my vision. Tiny little specks I looked it up they seem harmless pointed that my eyes are just getting older. If they persist I will contact my doctor. 

I came across this building. Thought that if I was being chased by zombies it would be a good point to defend. I always think like this. Not sure why. I have more plans to survive the zombie outbreak than I do living my normal life. Why is that. Drives me nuts. Notice the Corrosive Waning... WTF is in there lol.

then I came across this. It was under the 64th avenue Bridge. Someone set up some camp there. Looks to be sleeping there for some time as there is a 50L water jug a small bed roll and some sleeping bags. Good as place as any I suppose for them to live. I always thought that it wasnt terrible to live like that if you could eat and get water and keep somewhat warm. I would miss my puppies and my wife terribly but I suppose if Im in that state of mind I wouldnt know what I was missing. But it seems so simple that it could be so easy to fall into with no responsibility. 

But then I got back on the path. Back to where I came from with again no thoughts in my head that really mattered. I just kept running back with nothing in my head sorted out. Probably more confused than anything. I just cant seem to get anything straight in my head. It sucks I am finding no motivation anywhere. Money is not the factor here. The Money is just what I need so someone else doesn't take what I have earned. It means nothing more than that to me. I think that if I could just live with no money and eat and be warm and love I could just be happy. but again it seems so simplistic. Im guessing that Im going through a bit of a mid life crisis which I guess takes me back onto my path. So I guess Ill keep running, running on that path, The one that seems to go ever on.

 I wonder if I will find my destination soon