Wednesday 4 September 2013

Luke Sidewalker

One year ago today Luke passed to the bridge he was Jen and my first boxer and he is who got us started into Boxer Rescue as we wanted him to have his Leia (on the right). 

When we got him he was this skinny little big head that had the biggest kidney bean possible it was love at first sight. 

Luke was near 11 and full of life to the end, he was so gentle and loving and could put a smile on your face with a look. He helped Lovey into the pack and was our home visit puppy up until his retirement when Chewie took over. 

As you can see Luke was controlling the puppy that was fostering with us

He took his job very seriously (something Chewie has mimicked to the very core). 

Han today now has taken on so many of Luke characteristics.

He was a huge part of our lives and a void will always be felt but for what we lost this day 1 year ago Luke gave us 1000 times over that rests in a special place in our hearts. Here is the very last picture I took of Luke

Rest easy my boy, We love you.